Thursday, February 9, 2017

A Nose Job Can Improve How You Feel About Your Actual Job

img rhinoplasty source: google
Most people who get cosmetic enhancements report higher job satisfaction and less burn out after the procedure.

    But, before you sign up to go under the knife, it’s worth noting that researchers say it’s probably down to increased self confidence, not the surgery itself.

    In Australia, one in every 16 people has had some form of plastic surgery and this University of Melbourne study involved mostly female patients from two major private aesthetic plastic surgery clinics in Melbourne aged between 19 and 68.

    The most common procedure they got was nose surgery(rhinoplasty), then eyelid surgery, and a facelift.

    Afterwards, 91 percent were more satisfied with their job, including attitudes to co-workers and pay, while 93 percent said they felt less emotionally drained from work.


3 Main Types Of Breast Augmentation

Plastic surgery is a common practice among cosmetic practices and there are three general classifications of cosmetic breast surgery. These are breast augmentation, breast reduction, and breast reconstruction. 

Breast Augmentation
A breast augmentation is a procedure that is performed in order to enhance a woman’s breasts and improve the look, size, and shape of the breasts. Women may consider breast augmentation for many different reasons. Some women want bigger breasts, some want their breasts to be smaller, and some want to correct symmetry issues with their breasts. This is the breast surgery procedure that can take care of all of these issues.

Breast augmentation to make breasts bigger uses implants that are put under the skin in the area of the breasts to make them look and feel bigger and fuller. In general, all breast augmentations are minimally invasive procedures. Breast implants are composed of a silicone shell layer that is then filled with a saline solution or specially formulated silicone gel. A woman determines her desired size by fitting trial implants. Saline implants can be used in any situation and are not closely regulated. Silicone gel filled implants however are available only through approved studies and are used only in very specific situation and to meet specific needs.

In the vast majority of cases, breast augmentation procedures are relatively simple and are straightforward. As with any surgery, there are always some uncertainty and a entertain degree of risk is expected. Know your concerns and expectations and talk to you doctor and surgeon to work out what the best options are for you. Review the benefits, risks, and alternatives and make sure you are at ease with everything involved before you have the procedure done.

Breast Reduction
Breast reduction surgery may not be what most people think of when they think of plastic surgery procedures for breasts like breast augmentation, but it is growing in popularity among women. Most women who go for this breast surgery have large, heavy breasts  and as a result they are women who experience a great deal of pain and discomfort because of the weight of their breasts- shoulder and back pain, stiffness, numbness and other painful conditions can be caused by the excess weight of large breasts.

A reduction often helps correct theses issues and gives these women a boost of confidence and self esteem. During this procedure, excess skin, fat, and breast tissue are removed and the breasts are tightened and made smaller so that they are more manageable.

Breast Reconstruction
This type of plastic surgery is the one most often performed in women who undergo mastectomy and breast surgery to treat cancer. The procedure is designed with the ultimate goal being recreating a breast that has the desired appearance, contour, and volume. The nipple and areola also are recreated as needed to generate a realistic natural look. This surgery can be done on a single breast in order to help make it look more symmetrical after surgery or it can be done on both to help minimize the scars and affects of a mastectomy.

Normal breast sensation and breast function such as milk production and touch sensation usually does not return as there is typically a great deal of trauma and damage done to the outer and inner cell and nerves of the breast tissue. The visual aspect, contour line, and volume of the breast may be duplicated during surgery with implants or by using the woman’s own tissue that is taken from another fatty area of the body such as the stomach or buttocks. Breast reconstruction can be done whenever a woman has had breast surgery and can be done right after the surgery or years later down the road.

The procedure has never shown to affect cancer treatment or occurrence of cancer.  However, normal breast checks and exams will be needed as is the case after any cancer diagnosis and treatment, and those routine follow-up appointments are so very important for surveillance and continued healing after the surgery.

Breast Reconstruction After Mastectomy Offered Less Often to Older Women, Study Finds


A national study from England indicates that older women are often not offered immediate breast reconstruction following a mastectomy, even though guidelines state that surgeons should discuss reconstruction with all suitable patients and that it should be available at the initial surgical operation.

    The findings suggest a need for clinicians to audit their own-and their organization’s-decision-making processes around offering immediate breast reconstruction, and to deal with any age bias that may be present.

    “Immediate breast reconstruction aims to improve the quality of life of women with breast cancer who have a mastectomy. It should be offered to women unless the cancer has spread too far or a woman is too unwell to have this major surgery,” said Ranjeet Jeevan, lead author of the British Journal of Surgery study. “Our study found that while breast cancer clinicians considered these factors in younger women, immediate reconstruction was offered less often to older women with suitable tumours and who were fit enough for surgery. Clinicians should consider adopting a standardised assessment tool to identify all women suitable for reconstructive surgery.”

Cosmetic Surgery and the Workplace

In the last few decades an increasing amount of money has been spent, mostly by women, on expensive cosmetic surgery procedures in an attempt to feel more attractive.

    Despite the high cost and the fact that it can be invasive and permanently changes existing features of the body, cosmetic surgery is a worldwide phenomenon.

    In Australia, cosmetic surgery has become a billion-dollar industry with estimates that between 4.2 per cent and 6.1 per cent of the adult population has undergone at least one procedure.

    In 2015, more than 51,000 aesthetic plastic surgical procedures were carried out in the UK, a 13 per cent increase on the previous year. Last year, $US8 billion was spent on such procedures in America.

    While studies have shown that most people who undergo cosmetic surgery report higher self-esteem after surgery, no major investigation has been carried out into what happens when they return to work.

The Surprising Reason Women Are Getting Botox in Their Bladders

Many people turn to Botox Cosmetic for medical reasons such as excessive sweating or reoccurring migraines, but there’s one use for the treatment that’s still sliding under the radar: fixing urinary incontinence.

For those of us who don’t suffer from this condition, urinary incontinence can be categorized into two kinds of cases: the involuntary leakage of urine, or the sudden, urgent feeling to urinate without the bladder actually being full. That being said, Botox Cosmetic as a treatment for urinary incontinence only works for the latter condition, and typically lasts for six to 18 months.

Top 5 Most Popular Plastic Surgery Practices done throughout the world

Here are the top 5 most popular plastic surgery procedures.

Lipoplasty (Liposuction)

Being overweight puts additional stress on certain parts of the body like the back, knees, and hips. Despite having good health and a moderate level of fitness, many people still suffer from having disproportionate body due to localized fat deposits. To alleviate this and enhance self-image, liposuction slims and reshapes specific areas of the body by removing excess fat deposits.

Though the removal of excess fat is usually enough to make a difference when it comes to removing the pressure and strain from the body, liposuction should not be thought of as a form of effective weight loss. However, the small amount of weight reduction can certainly inspire patients to move forward with a healthy lifestyle, which will allow them to lose additional weight and further eliminate stress on their bodies all the while achieving a more desired look.

Eyelid Surgery

The eyes are often one of the first things that people notice about a person, so it is quite common to feel insecure if they are visually appealing. Unfortunately, both age and genetics are inevitable, as those two factors can make your eyelids have a sagging, hooded appearance, resulting in a fatigued look. In some cases, the drooping of our eyelids can even impair vision.

Eyelid surgery corrects the appearance of by carefully excising extra skin and fat from the eye area and is also an effective way to correct the “undereye” bags, which can make you appear tired.

Breast Augmentation / Implants

Of all the procedures listed, breast augmentation is easily the most popular of all cosmetic surgeries in the United States. One of the main reasons for its popularity is due to its extremely wide demographic, including many different age groups: young twenties, women post childbirth, and middle age. Breasts are also seen as the most defining part of what it is considered to be female, for better or worse. Enhancing or enlarging breasts, filling deflated breasts, correcting congenital symmetry, and breast augmentation are all ways to both empower women and boost their confidence.

Because breast implants are one of the more serious of the cosmetic procedures, it can last for several hours while general anesthesia is required for usually 1 to 2 hours. In addition, breast augmentation is often performed on an outpatient basis, so it is vital to make arrangements with someone to drive you home and stay with you for the first night after the procedure. Individual factors and personal preferences also help determine your appropriate breast size, type of implant, the location of incisions, and where the implants will be placed.

Nose Jobs (Rhinoplasty)

Many people are displeased with the appearance of their nose for a variety of reasons. It might be crooked, bumpy, too wide or too narrow, or it simply doesn’t go well with the rest of their facial features. A nose job (or rhinoplasty) is another popular plastic surgery procedure that is often very effective at improving someone’s appearance. Even slightest correction to a nose can have a significant impact on the attractiveness of a face, completely changing the way someone looks. This includes small implants and the alteration of the nostril size or angle between your nose and upper lip. Not only is rhinoplasty considered a cosmetic procedure, it can be performed in to improve overall breathing by fixing a deviated septum or reducing airway obstruction.


Both the skin and muscles lose their elasticity and begin to sag as you age, creating features that can be seen as unappealing to many people. These include undereye bags, jowls, a double chin, and deep creases, all of which can make you look and feel older than you actually are. Facelift surgery can dramatically improve these visible signs of aging, bringing back a desirable sense of confidence and youth. This procedure is highly individualized, as it takes the condition of your skin, sagging tissue, and deep creases and wrinkles all into account. As such, you will likely have to have a detailed consultation with a plastic surgeon.